
Hold fresh and important conversations for personal growth

Mentoring conversations are cornerstones to help support professional and personal growth.  However, the quality of mentoring conversations varies greatly and most of us are not necessarily taught how to participate in a good mentoring conversation.  We just sort-of fall into them if we are lucky.  This approach will help provide a path to amplify the power, impact and fun of your next mentoring conversation.

Watch the Mentoring Video to get an overview of this approach. If you are not familiar with Empathy Maps, spend some time there first before going on to the Mentoring worksheet activity and Fixed/Growth Mindsets. All of the videos and worksheets you need are contained right here.

Now what’s stopping you?  Unleash your thinking and explore the possibilities!


Open one worksheet version of the activity, either the printable worksheet or the screensharing worksheet. Glance over it to get familiar with the content, and don’t worry if you don’t know how to fill it out yet.

We want to begin by gathering information about who we currently are as a person.  To do this, complete the “current self” Empathy Map in the worksheet.  If you are unfamiliar with Empathy Maps please take a few moments to watch this video. After you have drafted your Empathy Map, watch Fixed/Growth Mindsets video and evolve your Map further if needed.

Share your Empathy Map with your mentor.  You can do this in advance of a meeting or you can take time during your live meeting. Also consider sending a link to this page to help share what you will be doing together during that time.


Meet with Your Mentor

Use the “current self” Empathy Map to introduce you as a mentee (you can also do this as a mentor to make it more holistic and collaborative).  Share any insights gained from the activity.

Watch Fixed/Growth Mindset Part 2 video together (4 min) and follow it with a reflective discussion about how this mindsets show up or are challenged in the “current self view of the world.”

 Imagine Future Self

Discuss a desired “future self” and note some of the thoughts either into the worksheet in real-time, or capture them for entry later.

 Brainstorm the Journey

Reflect on the difference between the current and future self.  Imagine the journey to go from one to the other.  What possible set-back would you anticipate? What conflicting behaviors might occur during the journey?  What strengths do you have that should be amplified and further supported? Write these thoughts into section 3 of the worksheet.

 Discuss Observations and Insights

What do you notice?  What surprises you?  What is exciting?  What might you need help to do? What asks do you have specifically for your mentor?


Wrap Up

Make Plans for your next check-in and create a few possible milestones or activities to continue the learning and growth.

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